Tuesday, May 15, 2012


I have prided myself on being a relatively smart man.  I did well in school, I am a relatively good conversationalist and even though I am opinionated I do have an open mind.  I have posted before though that there are some things in the world that I just don't understand:

1.  Politics in general -  I have never quite understood them so I don't discuss them., much the same way that I don't really talk about religion.  I'm Catholic, and honestly it doesn't bother me that you're not.

2.  El Nino or LaNina:  I don't know who these Latino siblings are or where they came from but their power to control my weather from wherever their homeland is amazes me.

3.   Kony2012 I am sure this is political, hence my complete and utter confusion on it.

4.  The inner workings of a microwave over.  The fact that after my house burned there were still uncooked potatoes in it, yet putting them in a metal box for four minutes and they are BLOWS MY MIND.  I don't know why we aren't currently all glowing in the dark.  I just don't trust something that gets that hot that quickly with no visible means of fire.

5.  Fax machines.  There is no way to even attempt to explain this to me because I am never going to get it.

6.  The Olsen Twins.  If I am being honest, I am not sure if I don't understand them or if my blinding hate of them is what is keeping me from embracing both their fashion and action brilliance

7.  Polyester.  I don't even think I need to expound on this.

That aside, I'd like to revisit number one on this list because I think that in today's world people hide behind politics and religion in order to hammer a point home and usually it is a point that they do not have any understanding on.  I have found, as have most people, that if you are against interracial marriage you probably are not in one.  If you are against gay marriage, my bet is that you are straight and if you fell that a same sex couple shouldn't adopt or raise a child together then you probably had heterosexual parents.

See, here is how I think the world should work, and it may be simple but it works for me - If you are against interracial marriage, marry within your own race.  If you are against gay marriage, I would strongly you not marry a gay person.  If you don't want your child raised by a same sex couple then refer to not marrying someone of your own sex.

As I see it none of these problems are about politics or religion.  They are issues of love an commitment.  Which are things that we are all entitled to...and no higher being, whether it be political or spiritual should care about that!


  1. i must agree with the love and commitment statement

  2. Agreed on all points, save one: The Olsen Twins make a mean casual top. As for fax machines...I got nothing.
