Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Apparently Eight Isn't Enough....

It is no secret that I have a disdain for a lot of reality television and don't quite understand the appeal of it.  No, I am not speaking of the is pretty clear that their meteoric rise to super star status both bewilders and pisses me off at the same time.  No, the things I don't understand are far more simple.  They include:

1.  How the real housewives are called housewives when most of them are divorced.  To be a wife you either need a husband or another wife.

2.  Theresa Caputo on "Long Island Medium" can not talk to the dead.  Period.  End of discussion

3.  On "Say Yes to the Dress" if you are not marrying me I don't give a damn what your dress looks like.  Who am I kidding?  If you are marrying me you wont be wearing a dress.

4.  As I have mentioned before, if you are on "Extreme Couponers" and you are buying things like cat food and diapers when you don't have a cat or a baby you need help I can't give you.

5.  The Duggars

While these things and others I have not mentioned do not generally cause me the same amount of heartburn as my sisters Kourtnee, Kim and Khloe do, there is someone out there who does.  She has yet to have her own "reality" series but she has been making the rounds ever since she did what can only be described as the most ridiculous thing in the world.  My disdain for her runs far deeper then it does for the Kartrashians.

She is Octomom.

There really are no words in any language that I think are quite strong enough for her but the first one that pops in my head is "stupid."  I remember thinking when she first popped out that she was going to have her hands full with eight bundles of joy then I heard that she already had six waiting for her when she got out of the hospital and that she had not conceived ANY of them naturally.  She was in financial straits before she got pregnant with her octuplets.  Now, I have never been a mother but a lot of my friends are and I think that any mother worth her salt will tell you there is nothing more precious then the time they spend with their children.  This time is cut dramatically short though when you have fourteen of them with eight being exactly the same age.  Now I have a brother who is seven and half years younger then me and together we ran our poor mother to death.  If she would have had TWELVE others between us I am certain that she probably would have started giving some of us away because there was no way she could have ever kept up with us,much less fed us.

Which brings me to my next set of issues with her.  According to news reports she is living in squalor, her kids are wearing clothes belonging to the opposite sex, she is about to lose her house, she has filed for bankruptcy and she is about to resort to doing porn.  WHAT. THE. HELL.  I understand people fall on hard times and I understand that you do whatever you need to do to take care of them.  However, had you not been so foolish as to bring these helpless children into the world with no other help you would not be in this situation...not to mention that I can't think of anyone on the planet that wants to see this beast do any kind of porn.

So, Ocotmom, this is what I want to happen.  I want you to open your eyes, realize you can not care for these children and let them be put with people who will love and support them.  Do not keep crawling your skanky ass on "Entertainment Tonight" trying to get a reality television deal because apparently the only show you are qualified to be on is HOARDERS.


  1. Can you hear me laughing??????????????

  2. Amen!! Unfortunately, I'm somewhat--no, make that completely--addicted to Say Yes To the Dress. I can't help it. I love the Atlanta version. :)
